
Run the following command to install Wallet01 and its peer dependencies

npm i @wallet01/react

Quick Start

1. Configuring your app

To enable all the features of the package, wrap your project’s root component with Wallet01’s context.

To add your desired wallet, just install its connector package as shown below:

npm i @wallet01/evm

Similarly, for solana, install @wallet01/solana and for cosmos install @wallet01/cosmos

To connect the desired, list the specific connectors inside the connector array.

import { Wallet01 } from '@wallet01/react';

import { InjectedConnector } from '@wallet01/evm';
import { KeplrConnector } from '@wallet01/cosmos';
import { PhantomConnector } from '@wallet01/solana';

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {

	const desiredConnectors = [
		new InjectedConnector(),
		new KeplrConnector(),
		new PhantomConnector(),

	return (
		<Wallet01 autConnect={true} connectors={() => desiredConnectors)}>
			<Component {...pageProps} />

export default MyApp;

And that’s it! You have your wallet set up and ready! Every hook is now usable under your app.

2. Buidl!

To connect the desired wallet, import the useConnect hook from the react package and destructure the returned elements.